
Receiving a Windfall While Bankrupt

Any assets or property that you receive or become entitled to receive, before your discharge from bankruptcy, can be seized by the trustee and distributed to your creditors. As a bankrupt, you must report any windfalls to your trustee and failure to do so could cause difficulties in obtaining your discharge from bankruptcy or even after you have received your discharge.

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Financial Literacy – Understanding Collateral Mortgages

The mortgage process is changing and many banks have are now using collateral mortgages when you purchase or refinance your home.  A collateral mortgage typically designed to secure all obligations that you owe to the bank and there is no dollar limit on the mortgage.

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Can I Claim Bankruptcy a Second Time?

Yes, you can declare personal bankruptcy a second time, as long as you have been discharged from your first bankruptcy. If you don’t have surplus income, comply with your duties and cooperate with your trustee on other estate matters. You are eligible to be discharged from your second bankruptcy, after 24 months.

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Dealing With Debts in Collection

Besides all of the harassing phone calls and intimidating letters, these collection accounts have a negative impact on your credit score and your ability to access credit or to own a home.

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How to Create a Budget in 5 Steps

We all know the importance of living within our means but according to recent statistics, less than 50% of Canadians use a monthly budget to plan their spending.  When putting together a budget plan the key is not to make it complicated or difficult to follow.

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What to Know Before Co-signing A Loan?

When you sign for a student loan, line of credit or any type of loan for another person you are legally responsible if that person fails to meet the terms of that credit agreement.  If the other person misses payments the creditor will expect you to make the payments and demand that you pay the debt in full.

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Beware of Debt Settlement Offers

The debt settlement and credit counselling companies would have you believe that they can easily have your credit balances reduced and save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.   The problem is they cannot guarantee any results.  They will require that you pay them monthly administration fees and/or a percentage of the settlement amount as payment for their services.  But you need to read their documents very closely to find out what happens to all of those fees that you have paid if they are unable to reach agreements with some or all of your creditors.

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Financial Warning Signs

Most of us can sense impending financial trouble but we tend to shy away from seeking professional help out of embarrassment or fear of being judged.   Licenced Insolvency Trustees and debt counsellors are there to help and should be able to provide you with financial counselling in a non-judgmental and professional manner.   The information they provide should help you better understand your financial situation and the options and resources that are in place to assist you.  This will allow you to make the best possible decision to resolve your financial concerns.

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The Cost of Credit Card Debt

If you are struggling to keep up with credit card debt and don’t see your balances decreasing this is a sign to seek professional help.  A Licensed Insolvency Trustee can review your financial situation and help you find the best strategy to deal with your credit card debt.

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