Posts Tagged ‘Personal’

Personal Bankruptcy and Income Taxes – What You Need to Know

When filing a personal bankruptcy income tax debts are discharged the same as any other unsecured debt, such as credit cards and personal loans. If you are struggling with income tax debt or have had your wages garnished then you should seek the assistance of a professional.

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Annual Consumer Insolvency Rates – Canada vs. Maritime Provinces

Annual Consumer Insolvency Rates – Canada vs. Maritime Provinces On September 30, 2014, the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy released its most recent statistics on annual insolvency rates for Canada and the Provinces.  These figures include both consumer bankruptcy and consumer proposal filings for the years 1987 through 2013 and show the significant trend…

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Good Debt vs. Bad Debt

Good debt is for purchases that appreciate in value or significantly improve your quality of life.  Bad debts on the other hand typically do not provide you with any long-term benefit.  If you carry a heavy amount of bad debt and are only able to make minimum payments then it’s time to look for help.

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The Difference Between Prepaid and Secured Credit Cards

Two credit card products that often get confused are secured and prepaid credit cards.    Let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of each one and some of the things you should be aware of before choosing either of these products. Choosing the product that is best for you will depend on your circumstances.  Either way, we encourage you to do your research and to read the cardholder agreement or terms and conditions prior to opening one of these products.

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What to Know Before Co-signing A Loan?

When you sign for a student loan, line of credit or any type of loan for another person you are legally responsible if that person fails to meet the terms of that credit agreement.  If the other person misses payments the creditor will expect you to make the payments and demand that you pay the debt in full.

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Beware of Debt Settlement Offers

The debt settlement and credit counselling companies would have you believe that they can easily have your credit balances reduced and save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.   The problem is they cannot guarantee any results.  They will require that you pay them monthly administration fees and/or a percentage of the settlement amount as payment for their services.  But you need to read their documents very closely to find out what happens to all of those fees that you have paid if they are unable to reach agreements with some or all of your creditors.

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Financial Warning Signs

Most of us can sense impending financial trouble but we tend to shy away from seeking professional help out of embarrassment or fear of being judged.   Licenced Insolvency Trustees and debt counsellors are there to help and should be able to provide you with financial counselling in a non-judgmental and professional manner.   The information they provide should help you better understand your financial situation and the options and resources that are in place to assist you.  This will allow you to make the best possible decision to resolve your financial concerns.

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The Cost of Credit Card Debt

If you are struggling to keep up with credit card debt and don’t see your balances decreasing this is a sign to seek professional help.  A Licensed Insolvency Trustee can review your financial situation and help you find the best strategy to deal with your credit card debt.

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