Posts Tagged ‘purchase’

What Is The New Brunswick Personal Property Security Act (PPSA)?

PPSA legislation provides a central registry for filing notices of security interests in personal property, allows both individuals and institutions to record their financial interest in personal property (cars, boats, appliances, etc.). Bankruptcy eliminates all of your unsecured debt such as credit cards, bank loans, tax debts, unpaid bills and payday loans.  However, secured debts such as vehicle loans, mortgages and home equity lines of credit are typically not included in a bankruptcy.

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The Real Cost of Vehicle Ownership

Think about the cost of ownership before you buy and then think about the cost of use and think ahead to consolidate trips, skip the trip, or car pool with friends and co-workers.  The cost of vehicle ownership also needs to be considered when you choose where you live.  While the cost of housing may be cheaper here in rural New Brunswick, the cost of the travel can offset the housing cost savings.

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Banking Fees – Are You Paying Too Much?

It’s important to find the best type of account and monthly plan to fit your lifestyle so you can start by reviewing your monthly bank statements to see the fees and service charges you have incurred in the past. This will provide the information you need to compare the types of accounts and plans that best suited to your usage.

Having the wrong plan or too many bank accounts can be costly, and you might be paying for unnecessary bank expenses than a plan that is tailored to your individual or family needs.

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Financial Literacy – Understanding Collateral Mortgages

The mortgage process is changing and many banks have are now using collateral mortgages when you purchase or refinance your home.  A collateral mortgage typically designed to secure all obligations that you owe to the bank and there is no dollar limit on the mortgage.

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How to Correct Errors on Your Credit Report

Maintaining a good credit score is vital, as it directly impacts your ability to borrow money or finance purchases. It also affects things such as the cost of insurance and specific employment opportunities. For these and many other reasons, it is essential to identify and correct any errors on your credit report as soon as possible.

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How to Create a Budget in 5 Steps

We all know the importance of living within our means but according to recent statistics, less than 50% of Canadians use a monthly budget to plan their spending.  When putting together a budget plan the key is not to make it complicated or difficult to follow.

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Tips for Saving Money on Groceries

For most Canadian families groceries are there second highest monthly expense outside of their housing cost so it’s important to get the most bang for your buck.  Here are a few tips and suggestions that may help you reduce your grocery expenses.

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Will My Personal Bankruptcy Affect My Spouse?

When you file a personal bankruptcy it does not directly affect your spouse or reflect on their credit report.  Your personal bankruptcy is between you and your creditors.  Your spouse is not liable for your debts simply because he/she is your spouse.  However, your personal bankruptcy can have an impact on the other person in certain ways.

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Good Debt vs. Bad Debt

Good debt is for purchases that appreciate in value or significantly improve your quality of life.  Bad debts on the other hand typically do not provide you with any long-term benefit.  If you carry a heavy amount of bad debt and are only able to make minimum payments then it’s time to look for help.

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